Notification of Abstract Acceptance: July 11(Mon), 2022
Presentation Type
Oral, Poster, Oral or Poster (The Program Committee reserves the right to make the final decision on the presentation style.)
Abstract Categories
Basic & Translational Research
IBD & Benign
Pelvic Floor and Anorectal Disease
Prepare Abstract
Abstracts must be submitted online in English.
All abstracts must be original work which has not been published in any other journals.
The abstract body should include the following headings: Background(Aims) / Methods / Results / Conclusions
It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure the accuracy of the abstract.
A confirmation of abstract submission will be sent to the submitting author via email.
Authors may further edit and modify their submitted abstracts by the submission deadline.
All presenting authors of accepted abstracts are required to complete their registration with full payment by
the regular registration deadline.
Should you have any difficulty in submitting your abstract, please contact the secretariat via e-mail
The title should contain no more than 30 words. The body of the abstract should be no longer than 300 words.
Submission Guideline
The deadline for abstract submission and modification is June 26, 2022.
Please fill out all of the co-authors' names including the presenter, to prevent any omittance in the abstract book.
Please make sure to fill in the correct contact phone number, mobile phone number and E-mail address of the presenter.
Presenters and corresponding authors will receive a confirmation e-mail that your abstract(s) has been received. If there is no confirmation (within 7 days) after abstract submission, please contact the Secretariat.
Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, and information regarding acceptance and scheduling will be sent to authors by 2022.
The reviewers reserve the right to reallocate the submitted abstracts to other sessions.
ICRS 2022 organizing committee will select best clinical trial, oral, and e-poster presentations based on the submitted abstract and presentation at the congress.